Software Development

As a Senior Developer with a passion for technology, I strive to improve my understanding and skills. I have used a variety of technologies over the years in my personal projects and at work. This includes working on front-end and back-end systems along with the tooling to deploy and maintain them.

  • React

  • Remix

  • NodeJS

  • Spring

  • JavaScript

  • TypeScript

  • Python

  • Java

  • SQL

  • Material UI

  • Bootstrap

  • Git

  • Docker

  • Kubernetes

  • Linux

  • Shenandoah National Park
    Shenandoah National Park
  • Spider Plant
    Spider Plant
  • Library of Congress
    Library of Congress
  • German Shepherd Dog
    German Shepherd Dog
  • Chicago River
    Chicago River
  • Big Meadows
    Big Meadows